Kate BreakeyAglaomorpha plagiata, n.d.
Kate BreakeyTiger Moth Apantesis incorrupta, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArctic villica, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArtica festiva 1, n.d.
Kate BreakeyCross Moth, Haploa clymene , n.d.
Kate BreakeyEucereon pica, n.d.
Kate BreakeyGiant Leopard Moth II, Hypercompe scribonia, n.d.
Kate BreakeySalt Marsh Tiger Moth, Estigmene acrea, n.d.
Kate BreakeySheep Moth, Hemileuca nuttalli, n.d.
Kate BreakeyVirginian Tiger Moth, Spilosoma, virginica, n.d.
Kate BreakeyXestia lorezi, n.d.
Kate BreakeyGiant Leopard Moth I, Hypercompe scribonia, n.d.
Kate BreakeyPhoebophilus amoenus, n.d.
Kate BreakeyScarlet Tiger Moth, Callimorpha dominula, n.d.
Kate BreakeyEutricha capensis, n.d.
Kate BreakeyTholera hilaris, n.d.
Kate BreakeyCatocala fraxini, n.d.
Kate BreakeyPerigrapha circumducta, n.d.
Kate BreakeyCadphises moorei, n.d.
Kate BreakeyLomaspilis nigrita, n.d.
Kate BreakeyHarnessed Tiger Moth Apantesis phalerata, n.d.
Kate BreakeyOwl Moth Brahmaea hearseyi, n.d.
Kate BreakeyPapesta biren, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArgina argus, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArrow Sphinx moth Schinia luxa, n.d.
Kate BreakeyOakworm moth Anisota oslari, n.d.
Kate BreakeyStamnodes danilovi, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArctia festiva I, n.d.
Kate BreakeyLophostethus dumolinii, n.d.
Kate BreakeyCarpenter worm moth Prionoxystus robiniae, n.d.
Kate BreakeyRustic Sphinx moth Maduca rustica, n.d.
Kate BreakeyDeaths-Head Hawk Moth Acheronitia atropos, n.d.
Kate BreakeyCallistege fortalitium, n.d.
Kate BreakeyEndromis versicolora, n.d.
Kate BreakeyGarden Tiger Arctic caja, n.d.
Kate BreakeyLasionycta hampsoni, n.d.
Kate BreakeyNeumoegen’s buckmoth Hemileuca neumoegeni, n.d.
Kate BreakeyHaploa confusa, n.d.
Kate BreakeyEuclidia munita, n.d.
Kate BreakeyWatsonarctia deserta, n.d.
Kate BreakeyUtetheisa lotrix, n.d.
Kate BreakeyArctia festiva II, n.d.
Kate BreakeyPhoebophilus amoenus, n.d.
Kate BreakeyMilky tiger Areas galactina, n.d.
Kate BreakeySommeria spilosoma, n.d.
Samuel James, Photinus carolinus, Appalachian Ohio, 2020
Samuel JamesPhotinus marginellus and Photuris fireflies at dusk, Appalachian Ohio, 2022
Samuel JamesPhotinus pyralis and Photuris fireflies at dusk, Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex, bottomland, Appalachian Ohio, 2024
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex, approaching dawn, Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex, Appalachian Ohio, 2021
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex, Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis hebes and Photuris lucicrescens, Appalachian Ohio, 2021
Samuel JamesPhoturis fireflies and storm, Appalachian Ohio, 2022
Samuel JamesPhoturis fireflies in a sycamore tree, Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Samuel JamesPhoturis fireflies in bottomland with vines, Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Samuel JamesPhoturis fireflies, bottomland in moonlight, Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis hebes fireflies, Appalachian Ohio, 2021
Samuel JamesPhoturis lucicrescens (“July Comets”) and Comet NEOWISE, Appalachian Ohio, 2020
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 3), Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 7), Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 9), Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor var. quadrifulgens approaching dawn, Appalachian Ohio, 2021
Samuel JamesPhoturis fireflies in moonlight, Appalachian Ohio, 2022
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 1), Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 2), Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 4), Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 5), Appalachian Ohio, 2023
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 6), Appalachian Ohio, 2024
Samuel JamesPhoturis versicolor complex (No. 8), Appalachian Ohio, 2019
Nika KaiserVital Body 1, 2024
Kate Breakey and Samuel James: To the Dark and the Endless Skies: featuring Nika Kaiser "In the Cases"
Past exhibition