Potpourri of Events: Art season is blooming with color

Margaret Regan, Tucson Weekly, September 8, 2022

Etherton Gallery

Known especially for photography, the revered gallery provides a spectacular launch to the fall art season. Famed Mexican photographer Graciela Iturbide is coming to Tucson in honor of her first major show in the city. The exhibition, “Sueños, Simbolos, y Narración (Dreams, Symbols and Storytelling),” will be showing some of her greatest pics, Her beloved “Mujer Angel, Desierto de Sonora” is just one treasure among the 35 gelatin silver prints on view.

Born in 1942, Iturbide will give a lecture at the Center for Creative Photography at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23. It’s free but you will need go early to get a seat. The next night, Saturday, Sept. 24, Iturbide will attend the opening reception; the fun will be at the gallery from 7 to 10 p.m. Some of her books will be for sale. The show runs through Nov. 26. Coming up in December, artists Alice Briggs and Albert Chamilard will grace Etherton’s gallery in Barrio Viejo. ethertongallery.com



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