The drawings in this exhibit are all centered around concepts of Winter: the association of decay and death, short days, darkness, disintegration, isolation, and also the warmth of interior spaces both real and imagined, of the desire to be close to others emotionally and physically, and the hopeful feeling of a new, brighter season not yet arrived.

All of these works are made using a Pilot G2 pen, and drawn on either vintage ledger paper or

larger sheets of mould made cotton paper. I use ledgers to make associations between writing

and drawing - utilizing crosshatching, with its similar form of mark-making as handwriting, and

also to invoke the idea of personal experience rendered rather than written. I use cotton based

papers to draw parallels between cloth or fabric and the textile appearance and garment-sized

scale of the drawings. I try to make intensely composed drawings that sometimes utilize an

accurate sense of 3-dimensional space, and other times a flat, patterned appearance that,

again, references fabric or textiles.


I make these drawings for two reasons: the technical challenge of producing works that defy the idea that a drawing is a preparation for a larger, more complete work - and also for deeply

personal expression (in the same way of a journal or diary) that refers specifically to people and

events in my life of the past six months, including buying a home, traveling to Spain, falling in love and also watching my youngest daughter age into adulthood and bearing witness to my father’s health decline as he was placed in hospice and passed away in August.